Gay bars san diego yelp

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Redwing Bar & Grill Photo: james c./ Yelp (between Anderson Place and Brookes Avenue), is another top choice, with Yelpers giving the gay bar and dive bar 4.5 stars out of 130 reviews. With four stars out of 667 reviews on Yelp, the gay bar, cocktail bar and traditional American spot has proven to be a local favorite.

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Next up is Hillcrest's Gossip Grill, at 1220 University Ave. (between Albatross Street and Third Avenue) in Hillcrest, the gay bar, dance club and New American spot is the highest-rated gay bar in San Diego, boasting four stars out of 913 reviews on Yelp.

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Topping the list is Urban MO's Bar & Grill. Urban MO's Bar & Grill Photo: urban mo's bar & grill/ Yelp Hoodline crunched the numbers to find the top gay bars in San Diego, using both Yelp data and our own secret sauce to produce a ranked list of the best places to hit the town for celebration and community. But there's more to Pride than a single parade: many gay bars and other gathering places have special events all month long. Most Pride parades in the United States take place in the month of June to commemorate the 1969 Stonewall Riots.

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